Wireless Tag

A number of research institutes and government organizations use the Wireless Tag to evaluate the environment and other projects. For example, LG Lab in Baffalo Grove, IL uses Wireless Tag products to test its devices. Simple but scalable architecture allows the implementation of these products on a large scale. In addition to thousands of individual users, Wireless Tag modules are used by restaurants and hospitals around the world to monitor their devices. Wireless Tag products are also perfectly suited for remote management of buildings, other real estate and warehouses.

Wireless Sensor Tags and Kumo Sensors monitor and record motion events, door/window open/close events, temperature/humidity/soil moisture and water leaks. They can send you emails, notify on your phone when temperature or humidity is too low or too high, or each tagged item has been moved even only slightly, or when each door has been opened or closed. View graphs and data-logs of temperature, humidity, motion events at each wireless sensor anywhere with Internet. Attach to easy to lose items in your house and find them by beeping each tag from any browser or your phone. Out-of-range and back-in-range notification features come standard on all types of sensor tags. KumoApp Engine allows automation algorithms to be defined in Javascript to trigger Internet connected devices such as WeMo switches, Honeywell WiFi or Nest Thermostats and Phillips Hue upon events from sensors, schedules and geofences.

Website: Wireless Tag

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